Are you bursting with excitement that you are going to be a dad? It is one of the most special experiences in your life. You can’t wait...

Category - Parenting Guide
12 Safe Baby Teething Remedies
Some children sprout teeth in three months. Yes! That’s true! However, the rest may get their first tooth anywhere between the third...
How To Potty Train Your Child in Three Days Or Less
Has your baby been making a face before emptying his or her bladder? Does he or she look at you impishly before looking down at the diaper...
7 Effective Tips to Make Travelling with Kids Easier
As the holiday season approaches, everyone seems to be making plans for their next holiday. All the pictures shared on social media...
Things You Need To Know Before You Start Potty Training
As a parent, the words ‘potty training’ must be very familiar to you. Just when you think you have the diet of your baby all chalked...
How Can You Encourage Your Child to Be More Sociable
One of the greatest challenges you will face as a parent is to teach your child how to deal with other people they meet in their life. It...
6 Parenting Blogs that Every Parent Must Read
In the age of the internet, when most of us are parenting in nuclear families, where we do not have the luxury of an older person around to...
12 Reasons to Never Skip Breakfast
Do you run after your kid to get him or her to finish dinner? Is breakfast also the same story? Then remember that even if you let them...
Top 10 Concerns of Every New Parent
Being a parent is one of the most life changing experiences. No matter how much you imagine whatit feels like, you never quite find out...
9 Summer Activities to Do With Your Kids
To most of us, summer means to swim in the ocean, breathe its salty air, and maybe even eat tropical fruits on a hammock in between naps...