Do you think that your kids are spending most of their time playing with the electronic gadgets? Are you worried about how to cut short...

Category - Parenting Guide
Slowing Down: Taking the time to make some time for yourself
Parenting comes with its huge list of responsibilities and adding to that regular chore, is every ingredient in your daily schedule...
The advancements in technology have significantly altered the world as well as the experiences of your kids’ childhood. Your Kids...
7 Sure Fire Ways to Balance Your Married Life after Kids
It’s said that marriages are made in heaven and children are the most precious gift that anyone can ever have. This seems true, as...
Turning every I can’t into I can
Every day your child faces new obstacles in the harsh world outside. His skills are tested and often he cannot get over many obstacles. So...
8 Dinner Time Questions To Get Your Kids Talking
Dinner time is supposed to be family time! But with the busy lifestyle, where you are constantly putting in extra efforts to attain your...
12 Signs That Signify That You Are Over Parenting Your Child
Every parent tries to serve the best interests of their children. Staying protective, caring and responsible for your kid is what parenting...
11 Baby Shower Ideas for a New Parent
A baby shower is a great way for a mom-to-be to share her joy with friends and near and dear ones. Usually organized 6-8 weeks prior to...
5 Reasons Why Parents Need a Babysitter
Hiring a babysitter is often a tough decision for parents, as there’s the guilt of not being there for the kids. Moreover, parents...
10 Outstanding Phrases to Raise a Grateful Child
Teaching values to children has shown to offer a wide range of benefits. With the right values, children are able to understand their world...