For the Parents Parenting Guide

9 Reasons Why Babies Cry

9 reasons why babies cry

Not sure why your baby is crying? Well, there’s no real need to get anxious or worried, as in most cases the baby may just be hungry or experiencing some temporary discomfort. Not able to understand why the baby is crying happens to the most loving of parents, so you need not feel guilty about it. It’s essential to understand that crying is one of the ways babies communicate; it’s their way of expressing things that may be troubling them. They are yet to learn the words to ask you directly, so crying comes to their rescue as a natural response.

You might also find it useful to know that babies in some countries cry more than those in other countries. This has been revealed in an interesting new study conducted by Professor Dieter Wolke from University of Warwick’s department of psychology. The study involved a meta-analysis of 28 previous studies involving almost 8,700 infants. It was found that babies in Britain, Canada, Italy and Netherlands cry the most whereas those in Denmark, Germany and Japan were among the least crying babies. You might want to have a look at the study to get more info on crying patterns of babies.

The tone, intensity and time of your baby’s crying can give you an idea about its cause. Did the crying start abruptly? Did it start soon after the baby woke up? Is the crying normal or louder than usual? These questions and others like it will help you in understanding the problem. It may take some time, but you will eventually start getting better at understanding why your baby is crying. To help you in your efforts, here are the top 9 reasons why babies cry.

9 reasons why babies cry


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