As parents, it’s natural for us to want our kids to be happy and to see them grow up to be successful people, living a life of abundance...

Category - Parenting Guide
5 Important Things about Breastfeeding that Every Parent Should Know
Breastfeeding is largely instinctual. Nursing mothers have been providing nourishment to their babies since the origin of humankind...
How to Swaddle a Newborn
Swaddling is a great way to ensure warmth and security for your newborn baby. It’s an art since your baby looks absolutely adorable...
11 Adorable Ways to Welcome Your Newborn Baby Home
It’s the first time your newborn baby will be entering their home and it’s likely that you want it to be a memorable occasion...
10 Questions to Ask during Your Baby’s 1-month Check-Up
It’s time for your baby’s 1-month checkup and you have quite a few questions running through your mind. You wish everything is...
Safety and Screen Time Tips for Toddlers
It might seem harmless to pass on your smartphone or tablet to your child, just to keep them entertained or avoid a temper tantrum...
5 Potty Training Tips
Potty training is essential for hygiene standards that you may want your child to follow. Once potty training is successfully completed, it...
Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Comparing Your Kids
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is...
How to Deal with a Curious Child
Children have an entire world to explore and understand, something that makes them naturally inquisitive. Being curious is an essential...
7 Tips to Make Your Kids Drink Water Regularly
Water is as important for kids, as it is for adults since the human body comprises around 60% water. Evolutionary studies have shown that...